Imagine living life where everything goes to plan, there were never any failures, struggles or times when you’re bored & fed up, it was all plain sailing.
If all you knew was perfect, it would get boring, we need some failure & struggles in life to teach us that feeling of accomplishment and the difference between good & hard times.
I’ve learnt some important things by going through the hard times, by making mistakes, by things not going to the perfect plan.
I’ve never purposely chosen to make these mistakes they happen….it’s life.
Live and learn.
(By the way I’ve not turned into a twenty something life coach, just sharing my experience & opinion)
You may be thinking how does this relate to fitness, well there will be times you get fed up of going to the gym, times when you’re lazy and don’t want to cook your food, you will have a bad day of eating junk, you won’t progress every session in the gym and things may happen in your life where it’s tough to prioritise your fitness.
If you could progress every session, your food was perfect and you could be in your best shape ever without having to struggle or fail, you wouldn’t appreciate it.
If you had to go through ups and downs to get those same results you would of learned a lot more and you will appreciate the results.
This is one reason I love training, it’s not perfect, you do have to work for results, you do have to go through ups and downs but if you stick at it, the rewards leave you with a good feeling of achievement that show in your body & fitness levels.
It’s good that life isn’t perfect and we have to work for things, going through the bad, sad, and boring makes you appreciate the good.
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