Boost Your Pull Ups
Do you struggle with Pull Ups? Try these quick tips next time you are training. Don’t be a half repper! Use a full range of movement to maximise the benefits of this exercise. Starting from a full hang, to pulling your self up & above the bar. If you have been performing shitty reps before…

How To Start Powerlifting
Tom contributed on this article for Coach Mag ‘How to Start Powerlifting’. Getting strong in the Big Three lifts isn’t just for huge guys – weight category competitions mean anyone can impress. Powerlifting 101 What is it? Technically, it actually means competing in the Big Three lifts (bench, deadlift and squat) – it isn’t considered…

How To Ace Your 1 Rep Max (Article for CoachMag)
Here is an article Tom wrote for Coach Magazine on how to prepare for a 1 rep max test. A proper one-rep max test isn’t something to try every week but, done smartly, it’s something to work towards because it’s a good indicator of where you are in your lifting life. If you’re planning to…

COACHING FOR THE SAKE OF COACHING I think this goes for both the coach & the client. Let’s say I’m coaching a client online or person I watch them squat, I see a few things we can work on so we get to working on these over the next few months with cues/technical changes. There…

Rep Ranges, What Should You Use?
Which rep range to use? Rep ranges: Heavy – 1 to 5 reps strength Moderate – 6 to 15 strength/size Light – 15+ reps muscular endurance We know that muscle can be built using a variety of rep ranges in both untrained and trained individuals. Rep ranges are important but they are one of many…

The Fundamentals Of Powerlifting
Tom was interviewed by coach mag on the fundamentals of powerlifting here is the article: The Fundamentals Of Powerlifting Whether you want to get bigger and stronger or lose some of that extra padding around your middle, it’s time to perfect your powerlifting MEN’S FITNESS 12 APR 2017 If you’re a reader of Men’s Fitness…

Short On Time Workouts
“I want to lose fat & build some muscle. I can only train during my lunch break but my time is limited, I have 30 mins to train, what should I do? ” This is a question we often receive, so I’m sure some of you reading this can also relate. You can have a…

When Should You Do Cardio?
When Should You Do Cardio? Contrary to popular belief that you should perform cardio after a strength session, the current research offers mixed results. Dependant on your training goals, it may provide you with a different answers. Schumann et al. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20101919) Compared the effects of 3 different 8-wk training programs endurance training, strength training and…

Member Story: Simon – My 1st Powerlifting Competition
” This is a post Tom has asked me to write in relation to competing in my first powerlifting competitor yesterday at the BDFPA Welsh Qualifier in Cardiff. I’ve been weight training for around 25 years in numerous ways of training such as specific for throwing events in athletics, bodybuilding, strength training and callisthenics. But…

Belt or No Belt?
Should you wear a lifting belt? Roll back a few years and I would have answered that wearing a belt was cheating, along with wearing wrist wraps and any other ‘lifting aids’. Fast forward and my opinion is very different to this. So what is the reasoning behind wearing a belt? When I’m talking about…
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