Considerations For Using RPE, Reps In Reserve and %RM
The use of RPE ( rate of perceived exertion) or RIR (reps in reserve) within strength training has grown massively in popularity over the last 5 years, with some solid research behind its use, it’s certainly a very useful tool for managing your training efforts. You may see prescriptions like this within a program: 3…

Starting Powerlifting
Here’s what you need to know to get started Powerlifting is a ‘simple’ sport made up of the Squat, Bench press and Deadlift all performed with a barbell. The aim of powerlifting is to express maximal strength by lifting as much as weight as possible for 1 rep. There are numerous health benefits to training…

Use Paused Lifts To Get Stronger
Guest article for Iron Life – link to site HERE Tom Hamilton was the World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation champion in 2016, with a 665kg total in the 82.5kg weight category. He works out of W10 Performance in London It’s easy to get caught up in throwing new movements into your programme for the ‘wow’…

Fix Your Squat To Add Strength And Size
Here is a piece Tom did for Iron Life – Link to site HERE Tom Hamilton was the World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation champion in 2016, with a 665kg total in the 82.5kg weight category – including a 242kg squat. He works out of W10 Performance in London There are dozens of programmes promising…

How Low Should You Go?
Why Squat low? Generally a full range of movement (ROM) in an exercise is going to deliver better results by using more muscle fibres, improving flexibility and placing stress in the desired places. 1/4 Squats, we’ve all seen, I’ll hold my hands up I’ve been one of them ‘1/4 squatters’ luckily I took the humble…

Do You Need The ‘Big 3’?
I am a big fan of the ‘Big 3’ barbell lifts, it’s one of the reasons why i ended up competing in powerlifting. I like to keep my training simple and focus on what’s going to give me the best returns on my investment. I’m sure you want the same from your training; you want…

Why Powerlifters Shouldn’t Neglect Bodybuilding
Over the last 5 years or so, there has been a big increase in the popularity of powerlifting, particularly in the raw category. Raw in the powerlifting community means you are only allowed to compete wearing a belt, wrist wraps, maybe knee sleeves and chalk. More & more people are becoming interested in progressing their…

Is Training To Failure Necessary?
Training to failure It’s a common theme in a lot of gyms to see people going all out pushing each set to failure with the goal of trying to get that extra rep out, whilst looking as if they are performing some kind of new exercise while their training partner pulls the weight off them.…

Deadlift Quick Tips
The Deadlift is one of the best exercises you can do. It involves multiple muscle groups, improves performance, great for building power, strength and muscle all of which are needed to create a strong body. It works the muscles of the body that are responsible for maintaining good posture, which are often neglected in todays…

Perfect Technique Doesn’t Exist
You may have heard people say “your technique has to be perfect or you are doing it wrong”, hands up I have been that coach. “Get your chest here, hands in an inch, squeeze this, arch that.” While I try to get a client to squat like the YouTube videos I have been watching of…
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