Follow Your Own Path
Can you remember the first time you lifted weights? I can remember struggling to bench press 40kg, not knowing how to squat or deadlift. I would look at guys who could bench press the 30kg Dumbbells and think wow that’s impressive, I’d like to be able to do that. I had a good conversation with…

What Makes A Good Snack?
Firstly , any normal meal can be broken down as a snack,just eaten in a smaller portion but for the sake of this post, let’s go with what is defined by the dictionary: ” A small amount of food eaten between meals” As a template for a good snack, it should be based around a…

Cardio for Meatheads
Cardio for Meatheads There may come a point in the pursuit of looking strong, that you need to do some sort of cardio. Ask yourself, what type of cardio do i enjoy? If you are happy putting in the time just incline walking for a hour, great. If this isn’t for you, then you will…

Are these ‘health’ foods making you fat?
Are these ‘health’ foods making you fat? Avocado Dried fruit Nuts Extra Virgin Olive oil Dark chocolate Hummus Gluten free anything Salads covered in dressing Flapjacks Granola Some of these foods have many benefits to offer but they could also be the reason that you are not losing fat. You may have decided to make…

Patience & Progress
Don’t be in a rush to progress. Let’s look at progress in terms of building muscle and strength. Slow and steady wins the race with this one. During the beginner stage you will make your fastest progress, you will be able to increase your weights very often, the progressive overload principle works wonders here, keep…

Weight Training Advice: The Key Questions Answered
Here is an article Tom wrote for Coach Mag ‘Weight Training Advice: The Key Questions Answered’ http://www.coachmag.co.uk/fitness/5187/weight-training-advice-the-key-questions-answered

4 Tips For Your Pre-Workout Meal
1. Have your carbs Carbs are the main fuel for strength training workouts however this doesn’t mean you need a ton of carbs like a marathon runner, so no need to go overboard. You should feel energised not lethargic after having your pre workout carbs. If you feel sleepy you’ve had too much carbs/calories. Aim…
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