Providing Effective Online Coaching Helping People Lift & Look Strong
Considerations For Using RPE, Reps In Reserve and %RM
The use of RPE ( rate of perceived exertion) or RIR (reps in reserve) within strength training has g
Starting Powerlifting
Here’s what you need to know to get started Powerlifting is a ‘simple’ sport made up of th
Bodybuilding & Tempos
2 Things that have had a big influence on not only my own training, but in the way that I coach peop
Use Paused Lifts To Get Stronger
Guest article for Iron Life - link to site HERE Tom Hamilton was the World Drug Free P
Fix Your Squat To Add Strength And Size
Here is a piece Tom did for Iron Life - Link to site HERE Tom Hamilton was the World Dr
How Low Should You Go?
Why Squat low? Generally a full range of movement (ROM) in an exercise is going to deliver bett
Do You Need The 'Big 3'?
I am a big fan of the 'Big 3' barbell lifts, it’s one of the reasons why i ended up competing in p
Why Powerlifters Shouldn't Neglect Bodybuilding
Over the last 5 years or so, there has been a big increase in the popularity of powerlifting, partic
Is Training To Failure Necessary?
Training to failure It's a common theme in a lot of gyms to see people going all out pushing each
Deadlift Quick Tips
The Deadlift is one of the best exercises you can do. It involves multiple muscle groups, improves p
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