Do you struggle with Pull Ups?
Try these quick tips next time you are training.
Don’t be a half repper!
Use a full range of movement to maximise the benefits of this exercise. Starting from a full hang, to pulling your self up & above the bar. If you have been performing shitty reps before this, expect your numbers to drop as this will be harder,but in the long run much more beneficial.
At the top of the movement aim to get your chest to bar,driving the elbows down and back to get full movement from the upper back musculature.
WATCH THIS VIDEO – Pull Up Technique
Work on improving your strength in exercises like lat pulldowns,inverted rows & other rowing movements will help to develop the muscles involved in pull ups, single joint exercises to target the biceps,lats & upper back can also help.
Lose fat to improve your pull ups, that bit of extra weight makes a difference.
Use a thumbless grip, this is my personal preference, I find this more comfortable on my elbows & feel my lats working better this way. If your grip is not very strong I recommend keeping with a thumbs round grip to improve it.
Use an overall rep target for the session/week, for example say the max pull ups you can perform is 6 reps, have a rep target for the session of 30 reps. Perform a couple sets of 3 in your warm up,some more sets of 3 spread between your workout,then finish what you have left at the end. Over time increase the total amount of reps or use the same reps but add some weight or some chains to be ‘hardcore’.
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